
* indicates student author

van der Velde, M., Borger M. J.*, Johnson L. E.*, Murphy T. G.^, Komdeur J.^ (2022) No genetic evidence for parent-offspring relatedness in post-breeding social groups of Black-crested Titmouse (Baelophus atricristatus). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 134: 19-26. PDF ^shared last authorship

Borger M. J.*, Johnson L. E.*, Salazar N. O.*, Dreghorn C. L.*, Komdeur J.^, Murphy T. G.^ (2020) The influence of social-grouping on territorial defense behavior in the black-crested titmouse (Baeolophus atricristatus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74: 141. PDF ^authors contributed equally

Kiere L. M.^*, Murphy T. G.^, García-Muñoz A.*, Osorio-Beristain, M. (2019) Ritualized display of a leaf: A putative agonistic signal in both sexes of a tropical bird. Behavioural Processes 168: 103954. PDF ^ authors contributed equally

Queller P. S.*, Murphy T. G. (2019) Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) caught in the web of a giant lichen orb-weaver spider (Araneus bicentenarius). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131: 191–194. PDF

Queller P. S.*, Murphy T. G. (2017) Seasonal variation in the utility of a status signaling system: plumage ornament predicts foraging success only during periods of high competition. PLoS ONE 12: e0185584. PDF

Tarvin K. A., Wong L. J.*, Lumpkin C. D.*, Schroeder G. M.*, D’Andrea D.*, Meade S.*, Rivers P.*, Murphy T. G. (2016) Dynamic status signal reflects outcome of social interactions, but not energetic stress. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4:79: 1-12. PDF

Simpson, R. K.*, Johnson, M. A., Murphy T. G. (2015) Migration and the evolution of sexual dichromatism: evolutionary loss of female coloration with migration among wood-warblers. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B 282: 20150375. PDF

Lumpkin D. C.*, Murphy T. G., Tarvin K. A. (2014) Blood parasite infection differentially relates to carotenoid-based plumage and bill color in the American goldfinch. Ecology and Evolution 4: 3210–3217. PDF

Murphy T. G., West J. A.*, Pham T. T.*, Cevallos L. M.*, Simpson, R. K.*, Tarvin K. A. (2014) Same trait, different receiver response: Unlike females, male American goldfinches do not signal status with bill colour. Animal Behaviour 93: 121-127. PDF

Pham T. T.*, Queller P. S.*, Tarvin, K. A., Murphy T. G. (2014) Honesty of a dynamic female aggressive status signal: baseline testosterone relates to bill color in female American goldfinches. Journal of Avian Biology 45: 22–28. PDF

Cook E. G.*,  Murphy T. G., Johnson M. A. (2013) Colorful displays signal male quality in a tropical anole lizard. Naturwissenschaften 100: 993-996. PDF

Rosenthal M. F.*,  Murphy T. G., Darling N., Tarvin K.A. (2012) Ornamental bill color rapidly signals changing condition. Journal of Avian Biology 43: 553–564. PDF

Tarvin K. A.,  Murphy T. G. (2012). It isn’t always sexy when both are bright and shiny: considering alternatives to sexual selection in elaborate monomorphic species. Ibis 154: 439-443. (invited commentary) PDF

Kelly R. J.*^,  Murphy T. G.^, Tarvin K. A., and Burness G. (2012) Carotenoid-based ornaments of female and male American goldfinches (Spinus tristis) show sex-specific correlations with immune function and metabolic rate. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85: 348-363. ^ authors contributed equally PDF

Murphy T. G., Pham T. T.* (2012) Condition and brightness of structural blue-green: motmot tail-racket brightness is related to speed of feather growth in males, but not in females. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 106: 673-681. PDF

Hall Z.*, MacDougall-Shackleton S.A., Osorio-Beristain M., Murphy T.G. (2010) Male bias in the song control system despite female bias in song rate in streak-backed orioles (Icterus pustulatus). Brain, Behavior and Evolution 76: 168-175. PDF

Murphy T. G., Rohwer V. G.*, Scholes E. (2010) Breeding biology and longevity of Russet-crowned Motmots in central Mexico. Journal of Field Ornithology 81: 13-16. PDF

Murphy T. G. (2010) Tail-racket removal increases hematocrit in male turquoise-browed motmots. Journal of Ornithology 151: 241-245. PDF

Murphy T. G., Rosenthal M. F. *, Montgomerie R., Tarvin K. A. (2009) Female American goldfinches use carotenoid-based bill coloration to signal status. Behavioral Ecology 20: 1348–1355. PDF

Murphy T. G., Hernández-Muciño D.*, Osorio-Beristain M., Montgomerie R., Omland K. E. (2009). Carotenoid-based status signaling by females in the tropical streak-backed oriole. Behavioral Ecology 20: 1000-1006. PDF

Price J.J., Yunes-Jiménez L.*, Osorio-Beristain M., Omland K. E., Murphy T. G. (2008) Sex-role reversal in song? Females sing more frequently than males in the streak-backed oriole. Condor 110: 387–392. PDF

Murphy T. G. (2008) Lack of assortative mating for tail, body size, or condition in the elaborate monomorphic Turquoise-browed Motmot (Eumomota superciliosa). Auk 125: 11–19. (cover article) PDF

Murphy T. G. (2008) Display of an inedible prop as a signal of aggression? Adaptive significance of leaf-display by the turquoise-browed motmot, Eumomota superciliosa. Ethology 114: 16-21. PDF

Couri M. S., Murphy T. G., Hoebeke R. (2007)  Philornis fasciventris (Wulp) (Diptera: Muscidae): Description of the male, larva and puparium, with notes on biology and host association. Neotropical Entomology 36: 889-893. PDF

Murphy T. G. (2007) Dishonest ‘preemptive’ pursuit-deterrent signal? Why the turquoise-browed motmot wags its tail before feeding nestlings. Animal Behaviour 73: 965-970. PDF

Murphy T. G. (2007) Racketed-tail of the male and female turquoise-browed motmot: male but not female tail length correlates with pairing success, performance, and reproductive success. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 911-918. PDF

Murphy T. G. (2007) Lack of melanized keratin and barbs that fall off: How the racketed tail of the turquoise-browed motmot Eumomota superciliosa is formed. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 139-143. PDF 

Murphy T. G. (2006). Predator-elicited visual signal: Why the turquoise-browed motmot wag-displays its racketed tail. Behavioral Ecology 17: 547-553. PDF

Moran N. A., Kaplan M. E., Gelsey M. J., Murphy T. G., Scholes E. (1999) Phylogenetics and evolution of the aphid genus  Uroleucon based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Systematic Entomology 24: 85-93. PDF